spreading hope to families of micro-preemie babies,
one potato at a time.

The Potato Head Project exists because it gives you hope. Hope when you have no idea what is going on and no idea where to turn. It gives you something to look forward to, to connect people to (without them having to endure the NICU themselves), it gives you something to hold on tight to because the truth of the matter is, in the NICU hope is all you have. Although they are getting better, statistics are not with a 1 pound baby. When they gave us "there's only a 1% chance that will happen to her.... it happened". When they called us or gave us bad news and the nurse was crying?
You knew. A Potato Head, itself, is nothing more than a piece of plastic, a childhood toy. To someone who uses it as a symbol of their undying love and hope for a child that their body failed? It is so much more. You will never hear me say anything other than we got lucky. The grace of God, the prayers, the positive vibes, whatever you want to call it all played a part, but we got lucky. To past and future potato head parents, I know. I know its hard to take photos of your child, to not feel regret or worry, to want to photoshop out oxygen masks and picc lines and IVs out of their foreheads. I know you post asking for prayers and help with bills. I know every single fear, every single tear and the one piece of hope hanging from a thread you are holding onto. Will we ever get out of here, once we do what does that mean? The Potato Head Project exists for YOU, for your family/friends and is to be used, abused and requested as needed. ANYTHING we can do for you, we will. I hope that in the coming years we can provide more, but sometimes, all we need is a ounce of faith, to know that there is hope, and to know that these little babies are nothing short of an absolute miracle. The Potato Head Project exists for everyone on some level. Please help us make it great.
meet kristin

XOXO -Kristin

Who We Are - What We Do

we ship hundreds
(and hundreds)
of mr. and mrs. potato heads
across the country...
... and we believe that the "why"
is a mission worth fighting for.
We are a group of women that have a passion for teeny tiny babes and their families. Some of us have personally had preemie babies, and some of us just want to love on those that have.
We send care packages to families that are currently in the NICU with preemies. Our care packages are carefully curated, packed with love and filled with hope. We know that a Mr. Potato Head won't fix everything. But behind every Mr. Potato Head is a community of people that LOVE you and want to give HOPE.
We are here for you!

What Is In A PHP Package

the goodies
Along with the Mr or Mrs Potato head, each package is filled with a variety of goodies. Our famous leg warmers are sewn by some of the sweetest volunteers in the world. If you cant wear traditional clothes (hey cords and monitors) might as well wear adorable leggings! Learn more about our leg warmers HERE. Our boxes are always evolving. We are always looking for new ways to bring you HOPE and community.
We also collect things like IPSY bags, water bottles, lotions, chapsticks and other basic self care needs. Please contact us HERE if you feel you have ways to contribute to our care packages!
the main event

handmade extras

We have an amazing network of folks willing to share their talents with NICU families across the country! From blankets, to hats and from leggings to bonding hearts - everyone is unique and everyone is made with love. There are people all over that are rooting for you and stand behind you!

It wouldn't be a Potato Head Project package without the famous Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! Sometimes we get limited edition ones - so don't be shocked if your Potato Head is actually a fun lovin' cowgirl! From Buzz Lightyear to a Yo-ho-ho one eyed Pirate - you just never know what you are going to get.
see for yourself
Dylan and Hayden share with you (and youtube) what you could expect from a Potato Head Package! Our packages are always evolving and changing. If you have ideas for items we could include - send us an email! We would love to partner with you!
every package is different.
sometimes we run low on supplies.
but, every package was carefully made with love.
curated to bring you hope, comfort and community.

Our Community

Our Potato Heads have helped us see progress at times that are overwhelming. I'm inspired by how Kristin has turned her experience into something so supportive and inspiring.
Jessica, MN
I received a Mr. Potato Head from a friend for my 28+6 preemie. All the nurses gushed at my son receiving his first piece of mail and everyone loved the spark of happiness it brought to his area. I love taking the pictures and seeing how far my son has come.
Lucy, CA
My baby is a micro preemie surviving twin born at 28 weeks 1lb 8oz. Her doctor gave me the NICU book and someone gave us a Mr.Potato Head box. Receiving the box and book made me feel a little more at ease as we go along this journey. She has grown so much over the past 6 weeks and tracking her progress with the mr potato head makes being in the NICU a little fun. I love this idea and you guys are awesome.
Yasmin, WA
Thank you The Potato Head Project, My 26 weeker just received the amazing package you guys sent us. I got it and it warmed my heart. It wasn't just a potato head but a box of items. Today was his first potato head picture. My nicu was in awe, they heard of the project from me and I'm more than sure they will be spreading the word.
Isabel, ID

Spread The Word

"Kristin Moan liked measuring her tiny daughters' growth with Potato Heads and decided to share that comfort through her nonprofit Potato Head Project."
Share Our Story
On Your Platform!
Work for a newspaper?
Want to run a story in your hometown?
Write a blog?
Videographer looking to tell a story?
Whether a magazine, movie director, online articles, written newspaper article or you work for the NY Times, we are always looking for ways to share our story and mission. We want to bring hope and love to every single NICU in the country. ​
a potato head won't fix everything,
but it might fix one thing
Since 2013 we have been growing a community of potato lovin' rockstars. We literally couldn't do what we do without all of our volunteers, loyal donation contributors and those that simply share our message. THANK you for being apart of this movement. A space in the world that brings light and hope to the NICU.
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